Tuesday 18 May 2010

Is the judiciary racist? I refer you to bears and woods

I dismissed the judiciary yesterday as reactionary and out of touch. Today's Guardian diary has a piece which illustrates my point rather neatly:

They got Theresa May to the Home Office, and once she's settled in, is there any chance she might send a quick note to the recorder Robin Pearse-Wheatley, whose expressions of sympathy to two Icelandic women who hooked up with a gang of criminals to commit a brutal "honeytrap" robbery seem a little out of place as we fight to rebuild Broken Britain. But no less out of place than his summing-up of their plight. "You seem to have fallen in with a group of black men which seems to have been the beginning of your unfortunate adventures," he said. "After a series of adventures I won't detail, but including time you were shoplifting – which doesn't reflect well on you at all – you, no doubt at the behest of these frightening black men who you were keeping company with, were involved in this incident." Is it because they is black? Seems it is.

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