Saturday 9 April 2011

All the news that's fit to print

I'm really enjoying News International's attempt to buy off a few of the people whose phones they illegally hacked in pursuit of stories about vaguely well-known people sleeping with other vaguely familiar individuals and other matters of national import.

I particularly liked this bit of NI's statement.

 It is now apparent that our previous inquiries failed to uncover important evidence and we acknowledge our actions then were not sufficiently robust.

Hm. I wonder just how good their investigative journalists really are. Perhaps they should have put the 'Fake Sheik' in charge of the inquiry.

(You won't be reading about this story in News International papers: they've decided that it's a non-story, despite the parent company paying out millions already, with millions more coming, and a senior executive telling Parliament that they paid police officers for information, which is a serious criminal offence).

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